Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Build Up a Great Swing in Golf

Regardless if you are a professional amateur, or a beginner, you need to learn to perfect your swing in golf. Without a good swing - technically sound, you will never excel in the sport of golf. The first thing you need to face in trying to correct your swing in golf is your grip.
There are a few diverse grips that golfers around the world use to have tight control over the club. The first is the interlocking grip that is achieved by hooking the little finger and index finger. This is a good grip for most people and you can create a lever so you can maximize the power of your swing. The next grip is the overlapping grip that is achieved by letting the little finger rest on the index finger and this is typically used by strong and tall golfers. The latter is the baseball grip that has no overlap or interlock, but the hands are close together. This is a good grip to use if you are a beginner and working on the strength of the wrist.

Once you've perfected the grip, then you should start working on your position, your backswing and your downswing. Regarding your position, you should try and equalize your weight and keep your arms relaxed until you start to bend the knees. When you bring the club up during the backswing be sure to keep your left arm straight and take your arms back as far as you can go. You can move slow or fast, whatever you decide.

Last of all is the downswing. You must take it easy and make sure you keep your head in the same position all the time. Keep your eyes on the ball and then use your hips first, followed by your arms. Do not try to rush your downswing, just to keep it consistent.

If you have a dream about being a god golfer and want to really improve your swing then it is imperative to find the right lessons. Get Access to the very beneficial Golf Swing Video and learn how to improve your putting, driving and build up an excellent swing in golf very fast.

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